Mobile Eye Exams in the Lower Mainland

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Comprehensive Eye Care Where You Need It Most

Eye exams are an essential component of protecting your overall health. Comprehensive eye exams can not only determine your prescription but also detect eye problems and other health conditions.

However, for some, it can be challenging to access the care they need. Distance from a clinic, age, health conditions, and other reasons can make accessing appropriate eye care a burden. We designed Outreach Optometry to provide access to those who are struggling. Our mobile eye care provides the expected comprehensive services to patients of all ages, including eye disease diagnosis and management, diabetic eye exams, and eyewear.

What’s Included in a Mobile Comprehensive Eye Exam?

Our mobile eye exams include all the tests and assessments you’d expect during a regular eye exam. We use the latest in eye care technology and diagnostics, getting a full picture of your ocular health to provide proper treatment and management plans.

Eye diseases like glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration are two of the leading causes of impaired vision and vision loss. Our comprehensive mobile exams include testing for a variety of eye diseases.

Dry eye syndrome can be frustrating, annoying, and painful, and can potentially damage your eyes if left untreated. Our experienced team can properly identify the cause of your dry eyes and provide you with appropriate treatments during your mobile appointment.

A cataract is the clouding of the natural lens of the eye. They are usually associated with age but can develop due to other causes, such as injury. They are easily managed and treated. Cataract assessments are included in all our mobile eye exams regardless of age. If necessary, we will refer you to an ophthalmologist for treatment.

Because access to high-quality and reliable eyewear is essential in improving quality of life, we bring a full range of frames and lenses to every eye exam.

After your examination, we will go over our selection of comfortable frames and high-quality lenses with you. We provide you with several options so you can find the right fit and style for your needs and lifestyle. You can choose from several lens types, including progressives, bifocals, transitions, and reading glasses.

We take your measurements during your appointment and then ship your glasses to your home approximately 2–3 weeks later.

There is a clear link between diabetes and eye disease that can lead to eye damage and vision loss. Diabetes affects your body’s ability to regulate the amount of sugar in your blood. Too much blood sugar can damage delicate blood vessels and nerves, including those of the eyes, leading to diabetic retinopathy.

Because diabetic retinopathy often progresses with little to no symptoms and can lead to vision loss, our diabetic eye exams include dilation and testing for diabetic retinopathy.

Our Eye Care Services

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