Our Story

Contact Us

Providing Mobile Eye Care Since 2017

Recognizing a Need in Our Communities

Dr Jassal started Outreach Optometry with the mission of providing accessible eye care to underserved populations. It began when he met a patient from Gabriola Island, BC that explained the hurdles of receiving consistent health care in an underserviced city. This got Dr. Jassal thinking- something needed to change

The Journey Began

Since opening his first Satellite Clinic in Gabriola Island, BC in 2018, Dr. Jassal has grown Outreach Optometry with a singular goal: To serve the underserved and make eye care accessible.
Outreach Optometry strives to keep true to our core values, and that every member of our team adheres to these values:
  • Accessibility
  • Sensitivity
  • Honesty
  • Reliability
  • Respect
We aim to be a company that provides compassionate and accessible eye care and to ensure that all our patients are treated respectfully.

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure we are able to provide accessible eye care.
At Outreach Optometry, we go out of our way to reach you.

Meet Your Eye Care Team


Dr. Gary Jassal



Dr. Vick Panesar



Ashley McBryan

Office Manager

Our Eye Care Services

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