Indigenous & Rural Community Visits

Contact Us

We’re a First Nations Health Provider.

Our primary goal is to provide essential and high-quality eye care to BC’s underserved communities. We service many remote communities, including the Gulf Islands and several indigenous communities.

We proudly offer our services to a number of First Nations communities in BC. A majority of exams and glasses are covered under FNHA benefits and we provide direct billing for patients.

Indigenous Communities

We frequently travel to the following indigenous communities in BC:

  • Ditidaht
  • Ucluelet
  • Tsawwassen
  • Stz’uminus
  • Snaw-Naw-As
  • Tla-o-qui-aht
  • Snuneymuxw

Gulf Island Clinics

Mayne Island

Contact Information


100-466 Felix Jack Road
Mayne Island, BC

Hours of Operations

9 AM3 PM

Contact Information


100-466 Felix Jack Road
Mayne Island, BC

Hours of Operations

9 AM3 PM

Our Eye Care Services

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